There’s a topic we’re hearing about more and more lately: “wowing” your clients.

And with reason: we are now entering what is known as the experience economy. An era of slow-living and mindfulness, of enjoying the journey, not just the destination.

This, honestly, has a huge impact on your business. Wowing your clients and potential clients is paramount to your success.

If we think about it for a second… who doesn’t want to feel special, right?

And this is why your business needs a book of WOW. Watch this short video where I explain:

  • What is a book of wow;
  • Where to find inspiration;
  • And the 3 questions you must ask yourself to help you transform the experience you offer your clients.

Once you’ve had a chance to watch, I’d love to know:

  1. What is one example of WOW experience you’ve lived recently?
  2. What impact can a book of WOW have on your business?

Come on over to our Facebook page and let us know.

[tweetthis]Wowing clients doesn’t require grand gestures, but small focused attention delivered exceptionally[/tweetthis]

Thanks for reading and hope to “see” you in the comments!


P.S. My team and I are busy creating new articles and YouTube videos for you. As always, we want to make them as relevant and useful as possible. So tell me: What specific challenge in your business are you actively trying to solve right now?

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Une expérience révolutionnaire à venir en 2023

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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…l’importance des mots et leur impact en affaires…

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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