2 ideas for your Thanksgiving weekend

2 ideas for your Thanksgiving weekend

Last week was International Coffee Day. On that occasion, I invited people on Facebook to chat with me. Here the exact post I shared: Today is International Coffee Day! If you and I were having a coffee together, what question would you like me to answer or what...
Why your business needs a book of WOW

Why your business needs a book of WOW

There’s a topic we’re hearing about more and more lately: “wowing” your clients. And with reason: we are now entering what is known as the experience economy. An era of slow-living and mindfulness, of enjoying the journey, not just the destination. This, honestly, has...
Golf, BBQ and social prospecting…

Golf, BBQ and social prospecting…

A research by the Oechsli Institute showed that investment advisors maintaining both personal and professional relationships with their clients are three times closer to them than those having only business relationships. This statistic doesn’t apply only to...

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Une expérience révolutionnaire à venir en 2023

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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…l’importance des mots et leur impact en affaires…

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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