Summer, a season filled with opportunities

Summer, a season filled with opportunities

Here we are, already half-way through the year and many are looking forward to the summer’s hot and sunny months. The summer season is a great time to relax: your clients and potential clients are also on holidays, or at least more relaxed, and your centers of...
Measure your progress, change your life

Measure your progress, change your life

Already the end of the first quarter of 2016! Can you believe it? Times flies…but now the question is: are you on track to reaching your goals? I’m a strong (perhaps I should say very strong!) believer in measuring progress. I continually repeat Tom Peter’s motto:...
Why I founded Strategist Business Development

Why I founded Strategist Business Development

Usually in our newsletter, we cover topics directly related to business development: marketing, communication, prospecting, client management, team structure, etc. This month, I thought of sharing with you the reasons which have motivated me to create Strategist...

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Une expérience révolutionnaire à venir en 2023

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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…l’importance des mots et leur impact en affaires…

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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