Since the time of ancient Greeks, no one had ever been able to run a mile in less than four minutes. Many strategies were tried, including tying a bull to a man to make him run faster.

Then a 25 year-old medical student, Roger Bannister, made History. He knew that, in order to break this limit, he would need more than physical training. He had to change his mental attitude and believe that it was possible, that he had the potential to go where no one had been before, and that running a mile in less than four minutes could be achieved.

Are you a Roger Bannister?

On May 6, 1954, History was made: Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes 59 seconds.

What makes this story even more interesting is that 27 other people accomplished this feat in the next three years. Today, running a mile under four minutes is no longer a goal or an impossible dream. By changing his limiting beliefs, Roger Bannister has done more than break a record: he also changed the limiting beliefs of mankind.

How about you: what are your limiting beliefs? What limits keep you from really creating and reach your ultimate vision for your business?

Take a moment to think about the limits you set for yourself, the ones that undermine your success and keep you from bringing your business to the next level.

Grab a piece of paper and write:

# 1 What is limiting my potential?
Do you believe you must have several designations, that you must keep doing research after research, to prove that you are qualified? Do you think that everything must be perfect before you call that important prospect? Whatever your limiting beliefs, write them down.

# 2 What kind of behavior does this generate?
Do you tend to over-analyze, to read too many papers and studies, instead of grabbing the phone? Do you hide behind your computer or some administrative task that you could, and should, delegate?

# 3 What’s the result of this behavior?
Is doing some administrative work or over-analyzing having an impact on the number of prospects that you could meet? Does it limit the number of meetings you could have with clients or COIs?

# 4 What result do you really want to achieve?
For example, would you like to spend 75% of your time meeting clients, prospects or COIs? Do you want to grow your business to a specific level?  What objectives do you really want to achieve?

# 5 What should you do? What would be the desired behavior?
Do you need to create focus zones, then structure your week and plan it strategically? Do you need to better delegate to your team? Should you concentrate on your strengths and delegate everything else?

# 6 What are your new beliefs in your potential?
Now that you are concentrating on what you should do to arrive at what you can get, what beliefs do you have? Do you think you can realize your vision? Do you have the potential to break all your previous records and bring your business to new heights? Go where no other entrepreneur has been before?

Go ahead, make a Roger Bannister of yourself, and show them that everything is possible.

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]The only limits in life are the ones you make.[/tweetthis]

If you need a hand or some coaching to push and challenge your limits, reach out and make an appointment with me. You can reply to this email or call me directly at 514-898-1505.

I’m here for you, anytime!


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