Last month, I covered the first element of your business development strategy: attract and create clients. I hope you took the mission and moved into action – don’t let this be just another piece of information. Bridge the gap between knowing and doing. My goal is to give you concrete ideas, prompts and tools so you take action fast, but it can only work if you do your part. Otherwise, nothing happens, nothing changes.

Attracting client is an important part (obviously!), but what about your existing clients or the offer you make to your potential clients?

It’s nice to solve a problem for your clients, but what if you solved more than one? Well, that would be even better!

I see problem-solving like an onion –its layers upon layers…

Once you solve one issue, something else comes up for your client, then something else, then a need, a desire or a dream comes up. I personally find it magical – you see your clients move from a place of discomfort and dissatisfaction to a place where they can dream, they can see opportunities.

And this applies to all types of businesses:

  • If a person reaches out because they’re not satisfied with their current investment advisor – your role is to take them from a place where they are dissatisfied to a place where they now can see and make greater plans for their future.
  • If a person comes in asking for a new website – your role is to help them think deeper and rethink their message, their brand. You bring them into the land of opportunity, where so much more is possible, and you stay with them along the way.
  • If a client comes in because they want to lose weight – your role is to take them from a place of pain to a place where they have more energy, aliveness, confidence and they can now live a happier life.

That’s the difference between building a transactional versus a relational business.

That’s the difference between an entrepreneur who always needs to prospect and one who grows organically and thru referrals.

That’s the difference between an executor and a trusted professional.

And this is where you want to position yourself. Let me be clear here; I’m not saying you need to do everything, I’m saying you need to position yourself as the one who’s there for them.

Just because it needs to be done, doesn’t mean YOU have to do it.

Elevating your service offering is all about elevating how you help clients. If you’re a one-trick pony – sooner or later your client will replace you for someone who offers a more holistic approach.

Every year, Siegle + Gale completes their Global Brand Simplicity Index study, which is “designed to better understand: 1) the impact of simplicity on consumer behavior and firm performance, 2) the brands and industries that create the simplest experiences, and 3) the top brands that use simplicity to drive disruption.”

What their research has shown is that clients are willing to pay 6% more if you simplify their life (think of Apple with their ecosystem, how is it to sync all your devises? And they share more than a 6% premium…just saying…)

If you simplify the life of your clients, then you position yourself as their trusted professional, their quarterback – you win, every time, and best of all, your clients win, every time. They get to have someone to turn to, someone who understands their wants, needs, desires, and dreams. And YOU my friend, are this person for them.

On your end, it does require some structure, some business processes. It’s not time to wing this or to have it all in your head.

It’s time to bring structure if you really want to elevate your service offering…

  • What are the common needs in my clients’ lives?
  • What are the different phases my clients go through?
  • How have I helped my clients in the last 12 months? What did I do? Who did I reach out to?

From there you can build a roadmap of how you help clients. (We have an online workshop on this topic if you’re interested:

What is the client journey with you? When will they need these services delivered by you or another professional?

Let me give you an example in my own business…

I help entrepreneurs with their business development strategies – from clarifying their core message to the actual execution of their offering. At some point in the journey, chances are they will need to put the right words and the proper branding in place. At that point, I’ll reach out to my copywriter and brand specialist to help them put it all together.

My team and I are so involved in the strategic direction and execution that we align everything together – for some clients we also become their outsourced marketing and business strategy department. And whenever they need anything, there’s one person they reach out to: me.

I don’t do the copywriting, I don’t do the branding, I don’t do a lot of the related services in my service offering – my team or my strategic partners takes care of that. My role is to make sure my clients are clear on their mission, are on track with their goals, to realign actions when necessary and to help them expand their comfort zone (this is my favorite part!!)

Your mission, should you choose and decide to accept it…

  1. Create and elevate your service offering, list the different services your clients need (in relationship to your filed) and list any strategic partners you could call upon.
  2. If you don’t have strategic partners, go on a quest to identify them and reach out to them to get to know them.

And remember…

To your success!

Sara Gilbert

P.S. When you’re ready, here are some ways I can help you design your success

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…l’importance des mots et leur impact en affaires…

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