3Ps for better business

3Ps for better business

Listen to This Article   We’ve all heard of the 4Ps of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion) by now, but I’d like you to consider something else: my 3Ps for business development. As an entrepreneur we wear many hats: we develop our expertise, nurture...

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UN.SHA.KA.BLE. From strategy to execution… Registration period is currently closed You don’t want to miss anything about the next launch? Enter your name and email address so you don’t miss anything! JOIN THE WAITLIST Advisors, consultants, service-based professionals...
Invincible Masterclass Replay

Invincible Masterclass Replay

The replay of the workshop will be available until April 3rd at 2pm ET Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) It’s time to become INVINCIBLE! …we’re starting April 3rd… Join now MODULE 1 : THE DREAM …actually, it’s more than just a dream… Let’s dare to dream big...

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Une expérience révolutionnaire à venir en 2023

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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…l’importance des mots et leur impact en affaires…

Vous apprendrez comment changer vos modèles linguistiques afin d’accroître votre influence.

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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