What, when, and most importantly, HOW to say things.

I’m fascinated with words. Especially when it comes to understanding the impact they have on human behaviour.

If you pay attention to “how” a person speaks —words they choose, how they formulate their sentences and even the verb tenses they naturally use—you can perceive what’s going on in their mind… They won’t always verbalise it, but you’ll understand how they think, and what beliefs and fears guide their thinking.

The words we use reflect our beliefs, our deepest thoughts, and our desires

I’d like to have more clients

I hope it’ll work.

I’ll try to do this or that.

The above sentence structures (and words!) reflect doubt; a fear that limits (or will limit) our actions. When a client uses them with me during a coaching session, I know for a fact they won’t act if I don’t help them recognize and transcend the fears and beliefs that discreetly dictate what they do.

Even if I provide an action plan filled with rational information, checklists, and follow-up calls, if the person’s thoughts stay rooted in their deepest fears, nothing’s going to happen.

Sound familiar?

You’ve laid out a detailed plan for your client, but nothing happens…

You’ve convinced a potential client that you can help them achieve their goals, yet they won’t sign the transfer forms…

Wonder why nothing is moving along? It’s simple. They haven’t acknowledged or surpassed the fears and beliefs preventing them from getting things done.

In my opinion, understanding and mastering this concept is key to becoming a trusted professional of the future. 

What’s the number 1 skill future advisors are going to need? Ironically, they’ll have to be more than an advisor… The future will require guides and mentors that coach.

Every day I do the same work with my clients that you do with yours.

Sure, the vehicle we use is different —I focus on business coaching while you provide another type of expertise —but fundamentally we strive for the same thing: helping our clients achieve their goals, carry out their projects and make their dreams come true.

The magic lies in understanding the impact our words have on our own behaviour, to understand ‘how’ to listen to our clients differently. Through this, we’re able to identify their deepest, limiting thoughts and beliefs to then use language that helps push them past what’s holding them back and achieve what they really want.

As we begin the last quarter of the year, I’ll be hosting a workshop (in French) entitled: Are you using the right style of communication to maximize your business results? It’s free and designed just for you.

If you want to help your clients on a deeper, more meaningful level and position yourself as the professional who helped them turn dreams into reality? Start by elevating your understanding of the power and intricacies of language!

It’s always with great pleasure that I read your comments, You can contact me here, and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and now Instagram

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…l’importance des mots et leur impact en affaires…

Vous apprendrez comment changer vos modèles linguistiques afin d’accroître votre influence.

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A revolutionary experience coming in 2023

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